Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dr. Horrible Act One

This 13-minute segment introduces us to the characters and gets the plot rolling. We also get some great songs that are so catchy. These are my first little thoughts.

The theme of the piece is fighting against hegemonic societal norms. Here is a quote from Dr. Horrible that is just great. “Destroying the status quo because the status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it.”

This project juxtaposes the roles of hero and villain. Dr. Horrible is a nice guy, who just happens to be an evil genius. Captain Hammer is a pompous jerk, who just happens to be a superhero.

The character of Dr. Horrible is original, but I can see glimpses of other Whedon characters. Parts of the Dr. Horrible persona remind me of a Warren Meers type although he has ethics. He made me think of William the Bloody awful poet if he was good at science. Instead of writing Victorian Era poetry to express feelings for his muse, Dr. Horrible writes a blog, about a woman he loves from afar. He is also like William/Spike has he works on his

Each of the three main characters has a personality trait that connects them—they want to help change the world and yet they do it in their own way. Dr. Horrible, through his blog and super villain deeds against the establishment. Penny volunteers for the homeless shelter and is on the street trying to raise awareness of the issue. Captain Hammer does fight against people who he views as evil and/or different.

I’m looking forward to part 2 on Thursday.

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